Business requirement: Bulk update of a field for existing SharePoint list items.
Suppose you have created a SharePoint list or document library with some metadata columns. End-users start adding list items to this SharePoint list. After a while, they want to change the value for a particular column of already created list items. They could do this manually through the Edit in Datasheet mode, but suppose they have already created hundreds of list items in the SharePoint list... It would save a lot of time if an option would exist to bulk update a SharePoint field from one value to another in all list items for a particular SharePoint list.
An ideal scenario is off course a SharePoint column created with as type of information Lookup. Changing the value of the item where the Lookup column is getting its information from would update in mass all already existing SharePoint list items. But if this isn't the case, there is no real out-of-the-box SharePoint functionality to bulk update a field (except the Edit in Datasheet mode).Solution: Use the SharePoint SUSHI application to bulk update SharePoint list fields.
Joseph Fluckiger created a solution called SharePoint SUSHI. SUSHI (SharePoint Utility with a Smart, Helpful Interface) is a user-friendly SharePoint application enabling you to accomplish SharePoint administrative and development tasks.
The following step-by-step description is a guide how you can do a mass update on a SharePoint list field with the SharePoint SUSHI application.
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4 years ago
Thanks for the great tutorial of how to use the update metadata feature of SUSHI. I have added a link on the SUSHI wiki to your page.
Thanks again!
-Joseph Fluckiger
Question for you Patrik, would you like to participate in the SUSHI project? I could use some good additional documentation and feature suggestions for the project, I'd love to have your help (and give you credit for your help). Use the contact user form on codeplex if you are interested.
A problem arises when you are trying to update a column to a blank value.
The problem is not the update itself, but the logging which is written to the console output window while it is updating. It cannot handle null values (to which you are updating in fact, as you are setting a columns value to blank).
This can be fixed by editing the source code of the SushiNS.ActionMetadata.updateSingleColumn method, to be able to write this correctly to the output console.
// Patrik BEGIN
if (txtNewValue.Text.Trim() == "")
if (listitem[fnwc.Field.Id] == null)
AddToRtbLocal(" updated to ", StyleType.bodyBlack);
SmartStepUtil.AddToRTB(rtbDisplay, "\"" + txtNewValue.Text + "\"\r\n", Color.DarkBlue, 8, false);
SmartStepUtil.AddToRTB(rtbDisplay, " NOT successfully updated\r\n", Color.Red, 8, false);
// Patrik END
if (listitem[fnwc.Field.Id].ToString() == txtNewValue.Text)
AddToRtbLocal(" updated to ", StyleType.bodyBlack);
SmartStepUtil.AddToRTB(rtbDisplay, "\"" + txtNewValue.Text + "\"\r\n", Color.DarkBlue, 8, false);
SmartStepUtil.AddToRTB(rtbDisplay, " NOT successfully updated\r\n", Color.Red, 8, false);
Adapt the source code and do a rebuild.
I've prepared a rebuild where this is already fixed which can be downloaded here. It is based on SUSHI build 22363.
Pretty well designed and documented. Works like a charm.
I seem to be getting the object reference error for all my meta data updates regardless of list or value. It hasn't always been this way. Is there anything you can think of that would cause SUSHI to bail like this all of a sudden? I have tried 3.4 and all of my older copies... they are all just a single binary right? no cache to flush or anything to make sure its pulling from SQL properly?
let me know what you think.
trey.white -AT-
Did you try my fixed version which can be downloaded here?
There is a bug in the 3.4 version with the writing to the console. I fixed it in the previously mentioned fixed version.
Unfortunately, it bombs on me with my favorite null exception... agh!
Oh well. It's very typical from Catapult systems. They are not the best SharePoint consultants out there..
Two questions. Is it possible to use this on the desktop side rather than on the server, and is it possible to use this to update all the records in a list so that the calculated columns go ahead and recalc?
This tool can't be used desktop side, only server side.
If you update all records in the list, your calculated columns will be recalculated accordingly I guess, don't they?
Hi Patrik,
Any other method for update using a desktop?
Hi Issac,
I don't know about a desktop solution for this functionality.
My current project requires ability to display choice column value via color or image associated with a choice
But Sharepoint standard packaged misses that control
I am looking for available solutions on market
I came across
Does anybody has experiece using it?
You can use DMS-Shuttle for these purposes. It can bulk update document properties, bulck check-in and update content types. There is a Trial Version:
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