Problem Description: Wrong urls in SharePoint alert message
Recently I ran into a problem with the automatic generated urls in SharePoint alert messages. Each alert message has some hyperlinks in it:
- One to the site where the alert originated from
- One direct link to your alert so you can Modify the alert settings
- One to the item where the alert originated from
- One to the list where the alert originated from
The SharePoint environment was set up with two Web Applications with another authentication mechanism:
- The first Web Application was set up with Windows authentication (using corporate Active Directory credentials): I’ll call it the http://intranet url in this post.
- The second Web Application (extended from the first one) was set up with Forms Based authentication (using credentials in a Forms Authentication data store): I’ll call it the http://extranet url in this post.
For some users logging in using the Web-based form (and hence entering the Forms Based authentication Web Application, http://extranet url), the hyperlinks in the generated alert messages started wrongly with http://intranet. This was not the case for all users entering the Forms Based Web Application: for some the hyperlinks in the alert messages started correctly with http://extranet.
Solution: Create SharePoint alerts while logged in on the correct Web Application
The cause of this problem was because I created SharePoint alerts for some users entering the Forms Based authentication Web Application. I created these SharePoint alerts as farm administrator while being logged in to the first Web Application configured with Windows authentication (http://intranet).
Apparently, the url of the Web Application is stored based on the url of the moment of creation of the SharePoint alert. It ignores the fact which authentication provider will be used by the SharePoint user for whom the alert is created.
Creating the SharePoint alerts for other users while being logged in to the second Web Application fixed my problem.
This isn't really a solution to the problem, but just a hack-a-round.
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