My 2p about ERP Solutions, Information Worker Solutions and other software products (mainly Microsoft Dynamics AX and Microsoft SharePoint).

31 March 2009

Links List March 2009

I decided to share all my interesting reads and resources month by month with my blog readers. You can find these posts by searching on the label Links. I'll try to order the resources in logical categories. If you would like to see some interesting stuff added in the next month, don't hesitate to post a comment.

So this is my Links post for March 2009.


SharePoint - Design and Customization


SharePoint – Search


SharePoint - Setup, Upgrade, Administration and Operation


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by Patrik Luca 1 comments

29 March 2009

Wrong urls in SharePoint alert messages

Problem Description: Wrong urls in SharePoint alert message

Recently I ran into a problem with the automatic generated urls in SharePoint alert messages. Each alert message has some hyperlinks in it:

  • One to the site where the alert originated from
  • One direct link to your alert so you can Modify the alert settings
  • One to the item where the alert originated from
  • One to the list where the alert originated from

The SharePoint environment was set up with two Web Applications with another authentication mechanism:

  • The first Web Application was set up with Windows authentication (using corporate Active Directory credentials): I’ll call it the http://intranet url in this post.
  • The second Web Application (extended from the first one) was set up with Forms Based authentication (using credentials in a Forms Authentication data store): I’ll call it the http://extranet url in this post.

For some users logging in using the Web-based form (and hence entering the Forms Based authentication Web Application, http://extranet url), the hyperlinks in the generated alert messages started wrongly with http://intranet. This was not the case for all users entering the Forms Based Web Application: for some the hyperlinks in the alert messages started correctly with http://extranet.

Solution: Create SharePoint alerts while logged in on the correct Web Application

The cause of this problem was because I created SharePoint alerts for some users entering the Forms Based authentication Web Application. I created these SharePoint alerts as farm administrator while being logged in to the first Web Application configured with Windows authentication (http://intranet).

Apparently, the url of the Web Application is stored based on the url of the moment of creation of the SharePoint alert. It ignores the fact which authentication provider will be used by the SharePoint user for whom the alert is created.

Creating the SharePoint alerts for other users while being logged in to the second Web Application fixed my problem.

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by Patrik Luca 1 comments

06 March 2009

No active bill of materials version exists

The end-user can use the BOM Designer in Dynamics AX, which is a graphic display of the BOM tree structure of an item. The end-user can select different configurations and decide what information to display on the lines of the tree. More information about this Dynamics AX functionality can be found on MSDN.


Problem description: No active bill of materials version exists

Upon opening the BOM Designer (Inventory Management>Item Details>select an item of Item type BOM>BOM>Designer), no graphic display of the BOM tree structure is shown. Instead an error is shown: No active bill of materials version exists.



However, if we take a loot at the BOM version for the item (Inventory Management>Item Details>BOM>Lines), it is Active and Approved.



Solution: Set the default order settings for the BOM item

This problem occurs if no Default order settings are defined for the BOM item. To fix the error, specify the Default order settings (Inventory Management>Item Details>Setup>Default order settings). Specify the default Purchase, Inventory and Sales site.



Re-open the BOM Designer for your BOM item: the graphic display of the BOM tree structure is shown now. The previous mentioned error is just a bit confusing, because it mentions you don’t have an active BOM version, while you have one. In fact, the error shown has nothing to do an active BOM version, which may mislead you and lead to a lot of searching to fix this error…


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by Patrik Luca 2 comments

Patrik Luca, Ieper, BELGIUM
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