Problem description: fill utility not working
Upon using the Fill utility in Dynamics AX 2009, you may notice it didn’t update your selected values. Nevertheless you didn’t receive an error or message. Probably the cause is the field you want to mass update is not part of the primary datasource of your form.
Solution: adapt SysRecordInfo form
As this behaviour may be very confusing for end users, you can adapt some code on Form SysRecordInfo. As such, the Fill Utility button won’t appear anymore, just as it doesn’t appear for display fields on a Form.
Add following code in method fillUtilityInit on Form SysRecordInfo:
if (object.dataMethod())
// BEGIN Fill utility only works for primary datasource
if (getDataSourceNo(object.dataSource()) != 1)
// END Fill utility only works for primary datasource
dictTableLocal = new SysDictTable(tblId);
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