My 2p about ERP Solutions, Information Worker Solutions and other software products (mainly Microsoft Dynamics AX and Microsoft SharePoint).

28 February 2009

Links List February 2009

I decided to share all my interesting reads and resources month by month with my blog readers. You can find these posts by searching on the label Links. I'll try to order the resources in logical categories. If you would like to see some interesting stuff added in the next month, don't hesitate to post a comment.

So this is my Links post for February 2009.


SharePoint – General



SharePoint - Design and Customization



SharePoint – Development and Programming


  • Ramp up: Ramp Up is a free, online, community-based learning program that will help you build professional development skills. There are two tracks available related to SharePoint: SharePoint for Developers Part 1 and Part 2.


SharePoint - Setup, Upgrade, Administration and Operation



SharePoint – Business Data Catalog


  • Developing a SharePoint custom field type for displaying CRM 4.0 data: walkthrough how to create a SharePoint custom field type that allows users to select an existing account from a CRM database.
  • LobSystemInstance: The main purpose of the LobSystemInstance object is to provide authentication and connection string information to the Infrastructure component of Business Data Catalog. The Infrastructure component provides run-time connection management for Business Data Catalog clients.


Dynamics AX



Blogging – Blogging Tips


  • Highlight.hs: Highlight.js highlights syntax in code examples on blogs. The program knows (among others) following languages: Javascript, X++, HTML, …

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by Patrik Luca 1 comments

22 February 2009

X++ Code Snippet: disabling form elements

This X++ Code Snippet post will describe how you can disable a form element, based on the value of another form element.

As example, the CustTable form will be used. The example will disable the One-time customer checkbox on the General tab if the Mandatory credit limit checkbox is checked on the same General tab.

Step 1: Change some form properties

  1. Select the Administration Field Group on the TabGeneral TabPage and set the AutoDataGroup Property to No.
  2. Select the Administration_OneTimeCustomer CheckBox field in the Field Group Administration and set the AutoDeclaration property to Yes.

Step 2: Create a form method to enable/disable the form element

Create a new form method setAccessOneTimeCustomer:

void setAccesssOneTimeCustomer()     

    if (CustTable.MandatoryCreditLimit)





Step 3: call the form method in the active and the modified

Call the newly created form method in the active method on the Data Source of the Form. As such, the second field will be enabled or disabled appropriately upon scrolling through the form.

public int active() 

    int ret;


    ret = super();

    return ret;


Call the newly created form method in the modified method on the field which should trigger the enabling or disabling. In our example, it is the field MandatoryCreditLimit. As such the second field, in our case OneTimeCustomer wil be enabled or disabled each time the value of MandatoryCreditLimit is changed.

public void modified()   



Step 4: Test your modifications

Open the CustTable form: check the field Mandatory credit limit: the field One-time customer will be disabled immediately.

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by Patrik Luca 4 comments

13 February 2009

SharePoint not reachable through Internet Explorer, with Firefox no problem

Problem description: Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage

At one of my customers, all of a sudden, the SharePoint website was not accessible anymore for some users. Those users were prompted for their credentials when trying to enter the SharePoint website, but then they got immediately a Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage error page. The SharePoint environment was a MOSS 2007 environment with Windows Authentication.

Solution: set Authenticated access to Basic authentication

As not all of my users had experienced this problem (some were still able to enter their credentials and enter the SharePoint environment), my first thought was that it had something to do with their settings of Internet Explorer (like the site not being in their trusted sites etcetera).

So I did some tests and came to these findings:

  • Everyone was able to enter the SharePoint environment if they used as browser Mozilla Firefox. Once users were browsing with Internet Explorer, some were not able anymore to enter the SharePoint environment (although they could reach it for sure, as they were asked for their credentials).
  • Users surfing with Internet Explorer 6 on a non-Vista PC experienced no problems.
  • Users surfing with Internet Explorer 7 on a Vista PC didn’t get past the credential prompt.

So obviously it had something to do with the credentials (username and password) not getting passed through to Active Directory or back.

I started looking in the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager and found an interesting setting to change.

I unchecked the Integrated Windows authentication box (which was checked) and checked the Basic authentication box (which was unchecked): after a iisreset, every single user on whatever operating system with whatever browser was now again able to get past the credentials prompt and enter the SharePoint environment.

These settings can be found in your IIS Manager by right-clicking on your SharePoint web application in IIS, then choose Properties, next go to the Directory Security tab and choose Edit in the Authentication and access control section.

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by Patrik Luca 27 comments

01 February 2009

Create a Who is Who application on SharePoint

Most people having a SharePoint environment have already a lot of information about the users in another system stored, such as Active Directory. This article describes a step-by-step guide to promote this user information in Active Directory to the SharePoint environment, resulting in a Who is Who functionality on the SharePoint environment.

Step 1: Install the Roxority User Profiles List Web Part for SharePoint


  • Download the Roxority User Profiles List Web Part for SharePoint. This free Web Part lists SharePoint user profiles in any way you wish.
  • Replace localhost in the setup.bat file with the url of your SharePoint Web Application.
  • Run the setup.bat file which adds and deploys the Solution.
  • Create the directory C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\TEMPLATE\IMAGES\peoplecache on your SharePoint server.
  • Create a file peoplecache.xml in the previously created directory with following content:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

Step 2:Map User Profile Properties on your Shared Service Provider


  • Go to your SharePoint Central Administration site.
  • Go to your Shared Service Provider.
  • Choose User profiles and properties in the User Profiles and My Sites section.
  • Map the properties you want to visualize in your Who is Who application in the User Profile Properties.

  • Go back to the User Profile and Properties page and choose Start full import to import the Active Directory accounts in your SharePoint environment: you can schedule this so it runs automatically at regular times.


Step 3: Grant Manage User Profiles permission to the end-users

All users who need to have access to the Web Page on which you will be adding the Web Part need to have to be granted the Manage User Profiles permission. You grant it on your Shared Service Provider through the Personalization services permissions link in the User Profiles and My Sites section.


Step 4: Add the Web Part to a SharePoint Web Part Page


  • Create a Blank Web Part Page.
  • Add the Roxority User List Web Part to the Web Part Page:

  • Click Modify Shared Web Part and uncheck the caching options.

  • Remove the Date-based filtering. If you enter data for the Hire Date property in Active Directory, you can use this property to filter which users are going to be displayed. You can use other date fields too for filtering purposes.

  • Choose which Profile properties you want to display on the Web Part Page

  • Click OK and Publish the Web Part Page.

Result: Who is Who within SharePoint


As result you get all users with the chosen properties on one page. You can tweak the CSS to have it in your own preferred layout (for example .solarlux-userprofile-picture to enlarge the pictures shown).

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by Patrik Luca 36 comments

Patrik Luca, Ieper, BELGIUM
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